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What Do I Need to Do for Medical Marijuana in North Dakota?

What Do I Need to Do for Medical Marijuana in North Dakota?

Many locales have been approving medical marijuana for their citizens in recent years. If you’re looking to get a North Dakota med card, you’ll find that medical marijuana can be an effective tool for managing a variety of conditions, all of which are considered qualifying diagnoses in the state. If you’re concerned about your ability to get through the medical marijuana process in North Dakota, here are the four main steps.

1. Have a Qualifying Diagnosis

First, you need to make sure that you have a qualifying diagnosis. The good news is that North Dakota has recognized the extent to which medical marijuana can be beneficial, and has approved a variety of diagnoses for the medical marijuana card. These diagnoses include:

This isn’t a complete list, and some conditions are often considered symptoms rather than official diagnoses. Talking to your doctor can help you understand whether you might be eligible based on both your symptoms and your diagnoses.

2. Talk to a Doctor Who Is Regularly Involved in Managing Your Diagnosis

In North Dakota, your medical marijuana recommendation has to come from a doctor that’s actively involved in managing your medical issues. It’s currently not allowed to seek out a medical marijuana recommendation from a doctor whose only involvement with your care is to give you a recommendation, regardless of their credentials.

3. Submit All Your Paperwork

Once you get your recommendation from your doctor and everything else, you need to submit all your paperwork to the state. North Dakota allows you to submit your paperwork online, ensuring that you get the fastest response possible; if you’re unable to submit online, you can also submit with a paper copy. Make sure you read through the regulations to ensure your paperwork has everything necessary.

4. Make Sure You Stay Up to Date With Medical Marijuana Laws and Regulations

Once you get your medical marijuana recommendation, you need to make sure you’re staying up to date with the laws, regulations, and general information about marijuana in North Dakota. Currently, North Dakota activists are pushing to make recreational marijuana legal, hoping to bring it to a vote as a constitutional amendment. Not only can staying up to date help you learn more about marijuana in your state, but it can also help ensure you don’t accidentally break the law in any way while you have your medical marijuana card.


In North Dakota, medical marijuana is a fairly straightforward process, and it allows you to buy marijuana like you would normally, with just a few extra restrictions on it. If you have a diagnosis that you think could benefit from marijuana, you should make sure that you talk to your doctor about medical marijuana for your diagnosis. You may even be able to see a surprising number of benefits from using medical marijuana to help with your diagnoses, no matter what they are.


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